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Hi there. My name is Paul. I'm pleased that you are sitting there at your computer or on your mobile device reading these words. It means that I haven't typed them into a boundless void for no reason. It also means that you're at least a little bit curious about me and why on earth I would need my own website.


Well, the main reason is that I feel I have a lot to share and I was struggling to figure out a way to put it all into one easily accessable location on the internet. So as reticent as I was to making a website that is almost a shrine to my narcisistic ego, I must admit that I've been enjoying the convience of it, not to mention the fun of putting it together and seeing how it looks. So, I hope that makes sense to you.


But if you want to know the truth, I'm pretty sure this is all a bit silly. But, that's the nature of the silly world we live in these days, we all have to be a bit silly from time to time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer, and if you have any feedback please feel free to contact me. Best of luck in 2016 and beyond!



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